Unique Difference Between Cash Flow Statement And Cash Budget

It highlights the future cash position from the receipts and payments of cash under different heads for the budget.
Difference between cash flow statement and cash budget. While the cash flow statement shows cash coming in and going out the balance sheet shows the assets and liabilities that result in part from the activities on the cash flow statement. Cash budget consists the firm must have cash on a current basis to pay its employees and suppliers and to meet its others cash needs. The distinction between cashflow statement and cash budget is given below.
If your business is generating more cash than it is spending then you are in a cash flow positive situation. The upcoming discussion will update you about the difference between cash budget and cash flow statement. The difference between a budget and a cash flow forecast is that the budget will show expected income and expenditure for a full twelve-month period whereas the cash flow forecast will break down month by month when you expect the money to actually be spent or received.
A cash flow statement is different from a cash budget. It highlights the analysis of various inflows and outflows of cash on the basis of past information. Cash Flow Statement reveals the changes in cash position for various activities from the beginning to the end of the period by way of sources and applications.
Cash Budget is usually prepared for a short period viz daily weekly fortnightly monthly half-yearly etc. Where cash budgets can help you plan for the month ahead a statement of cash flows can help you understand whats already happened and how you can use that data for better financial planning in the future. Cash Budget reveals the surplus or deficit of cash for a particular period while carrying out planned activities and shows the ways of sources of cash in case of deficit and ways of investing the idle cash if there is a surplus of cash.
The cash flow statement was previously known as the Flow of Cash Statement. Your cash budgets and statement of cash flows together can provide you a general outlook for the projected cash your company will have available at a certain point in the year. Cash flow statement is a detailed report or document showing how cash resources will be acquired and used over a specific time period.
Once one knows whether they have positive or negative cash flow they can turn to the process of developing a defining budget. The preparation of cashflow statement is done as a postmortem exercise of the past events. In other words a cash budget is a projected cash.