Divine Ratio Analysis Of Nestle Company 2018

Dividend Payout Ratio CP 7704.
Ratio analysis of nestle company 2018. Basic Earning Power Ratio. In 2009 the Basic earnings power ratio is increase from 2008 that show that the company total assets have the availability to generate the 2490 EBIT and the ratio is also more increase in 2010 which is every good as compare to 2008 and 2009But the ratio decrease in 2011 that the company EBIT decrease which the company. Research and analyze 3 Million companies.
Nestle have return on investment ratio 013 or 13 means nestle is returning more than other foods so it is better to invest in nestle. Cash Earnings Retention Ratio 2296-2615. 66 Consolidated Financial Statements of the Nestlé Group 2018 Consolidated income statement for the year ended December 31 2018 In millions of CHF Notes 2018 2017 Sales 3 91 439 89 590 Other revenue 311 332 Cost of goods sold 46 070 45 571.
Historical PE Ratio Data. Net financial debt. Ratio of net financial debt to equity gearing 685.
Nestle is earning 001 or 1 against 1 and Engro food is earning 003 or 3 it shows in the profitability ratios Nestle is earning more than Engro foods. Earnings Per Share Rs 16666. As of December 31 2018 the Group had implemented CHF 103 billion 52 of Nestlés CHF 20 billion share buyback program announced in 2017.
Basic Earning Power Ratio 2008 1669 2009 2490 EBITTotal Assets100 2010 2705 2011 2147 2012 1928 Interpretation. Total Debt to Equity MRQ. Request a free trial today.
Ad See all the ways PitchBook can help you explore company data. Gross Profit Margin Ratio It tells that how much a firm will receive against 1 sales. Equity attributable to shareholders of the parent.